Soarability Sniffer 4D Nano2: Hyper Local Gas Detection & Mapping

What is the Sniffer4D Nano2?

The Soarability Sniffer4D Nano2 Gas Detection and Mapping System seamlessly integrates with the DJI Matrice 3D/3TD drones for the DJI Dock 2. Pairing with the DJI Dock 2 enables on-demand automated and remote gas detection. The compact design ensures zero interference with M3D/M3TD's obstacle avoidance functionality.

Sniffer4D supports a multi-software ecosystem, ensuring streamlined and efficient data processing and management on Soarability Spatiotemporal Insights, DJI FlightHub 2, and other third-party platforms.

What is the difference between Sniffer4D Nano2 Base Unit and TDLAS Unit?

The Sniffer4D Nano2 base unit can integrate up to four modules, enabling versatile gas detection. Operators can configure various modules to create a bespoke solution for their needs. Available parameters include TVOC, SO2, CO, NO2, O3, PM1.2, PM2.5, PM10, CxHy/CH4/LEEL, H2S, HCI, TSP/PM100, NH3, CO2, HCN, H2, PH3, CI2, O2, NO, HCHO, Odor (OU).

The TDLAS Unit however, capable of multi-path TDLAS hyper-local methane detection, measures methane only with high resolution down to 1 ppm.

Read More: High Resolution Methane Detection with DJI Dock 2

Sniffer4D Nano2: Spec Comparison

Sniffer4D Nano2 Base Unit
Sniffer4D Nano2 TDLAS Methane
Weight  20g (plus weight of the Nano 2)
Detection Method Non-dispersive Infrared (NDIR)
Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS
Target Gases Sensitive to all alkanes, but calibrate to CH4
Methane only
Range 0-5%VOL(0-100%LEL) methane, or 0~2%VOL propane
Detection Limit 0.01%(100ppm)
Theoretical Resolution 0.01%(100ppm)
Response Time <30s

Sniffer4D Nano2: Key Features

Ultra Lightweight:

Weighing in at just 200g, the compact body of the Sniffer4D Nano2 series (110 x 70 x 70mm) lies within the maximum payload limit of M3D series drones allowing for efficient flights and maximum data collection.

Effortless Connectivity:

With seamless integration to DJI M3D/M3TD through direct E-port connection, Sniffer4D Nano2 series sensing systems allow for quick and easy set up, streamlining your missions and maximising time in the sky.

Intelligent Software:

The Sniffer4D Nano2 excels with its intelligent software, offering seamless integration with DJI FlightHub 2 for comprehensive data display and device control. It features built-in 4G/3G/Edge/GPRS connectivity, supports multi-end operations and data viewing through Swarm, and delivers robust spatiotemporal data analysis and visualisation capabilities.

Read More: How Can DJI Enterprise Drones Be Used For Public Safety?

Sniffer4D Nano2: Use Cases

Ambient Air Monitoring:

The Sniffer4D Nano2 excels in ambient air monitoring by providing precise measurements of pollutants and overall environmental quality. This capability is critical for urban areas, where the device helps track air quality indices, including particulate matter and gaseous contaminants. By offering real-time data, the Sniffer4D Nano2 enables swift responses to pollution spikes and contributes to better public health outcomes. Its high sensitivity and accuracy ensure that environmental agencies can rely on its readings to make informed decisions and implement effective air quality management strategies.

Oil and Gas Pipeline Inspections

In the oil and gas industry, the Sniffer4D Nano2 is instrumental for pipeline inspections, where it aids in the detection of leaks and ensures operational safety. The device’s advanced sensors are capable of identifying minute concentrations of hazardous gases, allowing for early detection of potential issues before they escalate into significant problems. This proactive approach not only enhances safety but also helps in maintaining the integrity of pipeline infrastructure, thereby reducing environmental risks and minimising operational downtime.

Landfill Management:

For landfill management, the Sniffer4D Nano2 plays a crucial role in assessing and controlling emissions. Landfills often produce various gases that can pose environmental and health risks, including methane and other volatile compounds. By monitoring these emissions, the Sniffer4D Nano2 helps landfill operators implement effective mitigation strategies and comply with environmental regulations. This contributes to reducing the risk of groundwater contamination and ensures that landfills are managed in a more sustainable manner.

Hazmat Response and Greenhouse Gas Monitoring:

In hazardous materials (Hazmat) response scenarios, the Sniffer4D Nano2 provides essential real-time data on the presence and concentration of dangerous substances. This capability is vital for emergency responders who need accurate information to manage and neutralise chemical spills or leaks safely. Additionally, the device supports climate change efforts by monitoring greenhouse gases, which are critical for understanding and addressing global warming. Its precision in detecting various gases aids scientific research and helps in formulating strategies to mitigate climate impacts effectively.

Sniffer4D Nano2: In Summary

The Soarability Sniffer4D Nano2 offers a robust and versatile solution for hyper-local gas detection and mapping, integrating seamlessly with DJI M3D series drones and DJI Dock 2 for automated, remote operations.
With options of the base unit, for customisable gas detection or the TDLAS unit, delivering highly precise methane analysis, Sniffer4D Nano2 supports a wide range of applications from environmental monitoring to industrial inspections. Get in touch with the Enterprise Specialist as D1 Enterprise to learn more, and find out how you can leverage this technology for your operations.

Soarability Sniffer4D Nano2

If you’re curious as to what the the Soarability Sniffer Series can deliver for you, get in contact with the DJI experts at D1 Enterprise. Our Enterprise Consultants can guide you all the way from demo and consultation, to delivery, hands on training and even repairs.

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